Adidas es una de las mejores y más grandes marcas de ropa del mundo. Producen ropa outdoor de gran calidad y ropa de calle con las últimas tendencias. Además Adidas ayuda a muchos deportes a crecer y desarrollarse.
Adidas is one of the best and biggest world wide clothing companies. They produce really high quality outdoor gear and really stylish street clothing. As well they support lots of differents sports and help them develop and grow up.

Adidas es una de las mejores y más grandes marcas de ropa del mundo. Producen ropa outdoor de gran calidad y ropa de calle con las últimas tendencias. Además Adidas ayuda a muchos deportes a crecer y desarrollarse.
Adidas is one of the best and biggest world wide clothing companies. They produce really high quality outdoor gear and really stylish street clothing. As well they support lots of differents sports and help them develop and grow up.
Pyranha kayaks are based in the UK and are one of the top selling ww brands. With more than 30 years of experience they produce some of the best boats out there; white water, recreational, sea kayaks... They have something for everything!
Galasport fabrica todo tipo de kayaks y palas de slalom en la República Checa. Con muchos años de experiencia sus productos no tienen competencia gracias a su diseño y calidad. Los mejores del mercado!
Galasport manufactures all kind of slalom boats and paddles in CZ. Their experience makes them leaders providing amazing designs and quality products. Best in the market!
Galasport manufactures all kind of slalom boats and paddles in CZ. Their experience makes them leaders providing amazing designs and quality products. Best in the market!
Immersion Research es una marca de ropa de kayak americana que se especializa en cubres. Los IR son los mejores cubres y más resistentes del mercado, mírate el Royal y el Lucky Charm.
Immersion Research is a gear company from Asheville, NC that specializes in skirts producing the safest and coolest ww skirts in the world. Check out both the Royale and Lucky Charm.

Together with my brother Aniol Serrasolses we've started SBP (Serrasolses Brothers Productions). Our goal is to produce high quality movies of our adventures and teach and coach kayaking to paddlers.
Adidas Sick-Line es el team de kayak de agua bravas de Adidas. Compuesto por quince palistas de nueve nacionalidades distintas con una misma pasión: el kayak!
Adidas-Sick-Line is a white water kayaking team supported by Adidas. Composed by fifteen paddlers from nine different nationalities with one common passion: kayaking!

Salt-Ter is a kayak club based in Salt, Girona, focused on freestyle and white water kayaking but as well open to other outdoor activities and disciplines.
Tribe rider es una agrupación de kayakistas profesionales el objetivo del cuál es la promoción de de las aguas bravas para hacerlas más visibles y conocidas alrededor del mundo.
Tribe rider is a group of friends that love whitewater kayaking. Our mandate is to promote whitewater kayaking, to showcase it as best we can, and to help increase it's visibility and participation worldwide.